For all GFS leaders, God is our primary source of inspiration. We hear God’s word from the Bible.
1 Corinthians 12:4-6 (Living Bible)
“Now God gives us many kinds of special abilities, but it is the same Holy Spirit who is the source of them all. There are different kinds of service to God, but it is the same Lord we are serving. There are many ways in which God work in our lives, but it is the same God who does the work in and through us who are his.”
Leaders need fellowship. You will also gain resource and inspiration from:
Your family
Your friends
Your daily life
The girls and leaders in your GFS branch
Your rector
Fellow parishioners
GFS members from your diocese, other dioceses or even other countries
GFS Sydney website provides many resources in the “Members Area” under the heading “Resources”. You will find:
- GFS Specific Resources such as GFS Merchandise (such as badges and certificates), Promotion material (such as cards, stickers and flyers) and other GFS items (such as bags, tissue holders, mugs)
- Uniforms – Polo shirts embroidered with GFS Logo and Branch Name
- Programmes for Teddy Groups (K-Yr2), Junior Groups (Yr3-6) and All age groups (K-Yr10)
- Music – We have some music for some themes and some favourite GFS Songs, Christmas musicals are also available for special Christmas performances
- Games – a great list of games suitable for Girls
- Plays for special events
- Puzzles for some mental stimulation
- Services – Welcoming , Leader Commissioning, World Day of Prayer and other Services
- Presentations
- Stories
- Craft ideas
- Prayers and Graces
- Recipes
- Poems
- Insights
There is a separate section with resources for Playgroups. It contains ideas for:
- Outdoor Play
- Art and Craft
- Inside Play
- Movement and Music
- Snack ideas
- Helpful ideas
- Programmes for Playgroup
Other Resources
- GFS Websites for GFS Australia, GFS World and other GFS diocese’s and country’s websites
- Sunday School and Scripture Teachers have teaching aids that you may be able to borrow.
- School teachers can tell you all sorts of valuable information.
- Libraries contain so many resources not only books but some have toy libraries or other equipment that can be borrowed for a time period.
- People with special talents eg Doctor or nurse to talk about health, Gardener to learn about cultivation, an artist to learn painting, dressmaker to teach sewing, vet to learn about taking care of animals, etc And don’t forget the mothers who can cook, sew or jump rope.
- Other organisations in the Parish like MU, Playgroup, etc
- Your Rector
- Other Training sessions / Workshops such as First Aid, Youthworks courses, etc
Further Training
GFS encourages all leaders to continue their training. One way we do this is by offering the Deeth Award
- This award is named in honour of Maggie and Doug Deeth, a committed Christian couple who dedicated their lives to children’s ministry through GFS both at branch and diocesan level.
- The Deeth Award is up to $500 per annum to assist GFS members/girls who would benefit from courses/events available in the Diocese. The award can be given to more than one person each year. For example $100 could be given to each of five people in a given year.
- Please apply via the application form
Once you have read through the GFS Sydney Resources section, please do a simple test.
Congratulations you have now completed the GFS Leader Training Workshop!
Please Contact Us to get your results and certificate.