The Christian faith is at the heart of our organisation. GFS Sydney members accept the Christian faith and seek in the fellowship of worship, study, work and play, to serve God and His extended Kingdom.
The purpose of GFS is to give glory to God by bringing girls and women into the full life and fellowship of the Church and by helping them to know, love and serve our Lord Jesus Christ.

Prayer is vital to all we do in GFS.
Join us in prayer for our members and the work of GFS around Sydney, Australia and the world.
GFS Prayer
God, Our Father
We thank you for your goodness and love to us
and to all who belong to GFS.
Help us to bear one another’s burdens
as members of one family in Jesus Christ.
May we grow in grace through your spirit who lives in us
and know in our lives the joy of your eternal kingdom,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.