The six “P’s” of Planning

At the beginning of the year we start to plan what we will do at our GFS meetings.

Planning begins with “PL”.

P is for Persons, the participants. Important questions to ask at the beginning of the planning process are:

  • For whom are we planning?
  • What do we know about these persons?
  • What are their needs and interests?
  • Why will they be participating?
  • How many will there be?

L is for Listening. We must listen to the participants and also invite them to participate in the planning. Also we must listen to the call of the Spirit of God. Indeed listening for the Spirit of God in prayer demands involvement with people. God speaks in the midst of such involvement. We must never let our plans dominate our concern for persons or our need to listen for the call of God to follow him in ever new and adventurous ways. That’s faith!

Planning is a process. It is not something a leader does only before going into action. It begins before action, continues during action and goes on after action. So it continues ….

1. PURPOSE: What is our Aim? “We preach …. We warn …. We teach …. “ Colossians 1:28

2. POSSIBILITIES: What is known or available? Paul says everyone has different gifts to be used for a range of possibilities for God’s service. 1 Corinthians 12

3. PRIORITIES: What comes first?“We are free to do anything, but does everything help the building of community?” Corinthians 10:23. This indicates that there is a need to prioritise.

4. PROGRAMME: Who will do what, when and where?In the early church they chose some men to go to Antioch with a letter. Acts 15:22-23. This was their programme.

5. PRACTICE/PERFORMANCE: Action!1 James: 25 “…. be not a hearer who forgets but a doer that acts, he will be blessed in his doing.”

6. POST-PERFORMANCE: What have we learnt?”Put all things to the test: Keep what is good…” 1 Thessalonians 5:21 We need to learn from our mistakes and our successes for the next plan.

There is one more “P” required to include for our Planning Process. That P is for Patience. Patience means spending time in the whole planning process. It takes time and patience to plan well.