The meaning behind the GFS Prayer

There are a number of slightly different GFS Prayers that are prayed around world. Since 1981 this is the GFS Prayer that is prayed in Australia at GFS events and meetings.

GFS is a family. Thus we begin our prayer with the words

            God, Our Father”

And then we ask for our Heavenly Father’s blessing on all the members of the GFS family. This includes all those who live in other towns, states and countries who are GFS members.

            We thank you for your goodness and love to us and to all who belong to GFS.”

Next in our prayer we are reminded of our Motto to remember others and forget ourselves and only by doing this can we honestly pray to live as members of one family in Jesus Christ.

            “Help us to bear one another’s burdens as members of one family in Jesus Christ.”

The following section of our prayer helps us recall that our Lord died for us and it is only through God’s grace that we are forgiven. It makes us mindful too that the Holy Spirit is within us and helping us to overcome our faults and to give our best in every part of our daily lives.

            “May we grow in grace through your spirit who lives in us”

Finally, we pray that God is the Ruler and King of our hearts and lives, now and forever, so that we may know His joy and to share His joy with others.  We ask all this in the name of Jesus our Saviour.

            “and know in our lives the joy of your eternal kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen”