Reaching Parents

Although Playgroup seems to be for children, it is also an opportunity to minister to parents as well. Parents need the gospel as well as children. The goal for all ministry is to bring children and their families into the church so they can have a living relationship with Christ.

Playgroup provides a wonderful opportunity to create links to parents. Some ideas to encourage those links are:

  • Ask non-Christian parents to be helpers eg morning tea preparation. This gives opportunities for building rapport and enabling them to become familiar with the church grounds.
  • Have extra leaders at playgroup whose ministry is especially to minister to parents.
  • Send parents a newsletter every term with a fun church letterhead, providing dates of playgroup events happening and how they could join in to these events.
  • Invite playgroup families to whole church family events such as Carols by Candlelight, Palm Sunday, Easter, Church picnics or Special anniversaries.
  • Try to be aware of what is happening in playgroup families’ lives. Be compassionate if they are struggling with an issue such as an illness. Possibly make hospital visits or provide a meal for the family at these times.
  • Don’t forget to follow-up once you have connected. Relationships take time.
  • This is not to be done solely by the playgroup leader.  It needs a whole church to link with families.
  • Finally don’t forget to ask your church for prayer support. Remember all Christians are in ministry and all ministries are linked.