Five Little Candles

This short presentation is simple for Teddies to do.

Five little candles burning so bright. (hold up 5 fingers……wriggle fingers)

The first one said, “We make great light!” (hold up 1 finger…..arms up)

The second one said, “The child is born.” (hold up 2 fingers………..rock baby)

The third one said, “Our light will adorn.” (hold up 3 fingers…………..arms out in front palms up)

The fourth one said, “We shine for Him.” (hold up 4 fingers……..palms forward at sides of face fingers spread)

The fifth one said, “Let’s not be dim.” (hold up 5 fingers……………cover pointer finger with other hand)

So they stood very tall and glowed very bright. (stand tall…….arms up)

And the Christ child smiled that very night. (smile, hands around face)