I recently had the enjoyment of attending the Sydney GFS annual camp at the Baden Powell Scout Camp at Pennant Hills from the 1st to the 3rd October. It was lovely to see how quickly the children re-acquainted with old friends and our first time campers found their feet and actively joined into camp life. The study theme for the camp was “Light in A Dark World.” The girls took part in four bible sessions exploring how we live in a dark world, but can come into the light with Jesus as our friend. It was also lovely to be able to share an evening quiet time with a cabin of girls where they could reflect on the talks from the day and ask any questions that they had.

Camp had all the extra features of a GREAT camp; fun, games, activities, singing, dancing and of course food! Food was certainly a major feature of camp, no one went without, and it seemed that we were always eating! All our meals were prepared fresh by our kitchen staff. A big thanks to our “kitchen Sharon’s” for looking after us all so well.
Tuesday afternoon was an outdoor games time and then the evening was spent dancing to a Bush dance.
The highlight of this was when together everyone planned an “Irish Hawaiian jig.” It was certainly fun to see old and young enjoy this time together.

Wednesday was a full day of activities, with all girls participating in a craft session, orienteering and bush cooking.
The night was then filled with a Star Gazing extravaganza, we were fortunate that the clouds cleared and the moon and stars were clearly visible.
Thursday presented as a hot day and all participants headed off after breakfast on the bush walk to the lookout. The girls enjoyed being out and about and exploring trees and climbing over rocks. Arriving at our destination was the view into Sydney from the lookout, we then had to turn around and walk back!

Our time at camp was concluded with an outdoor Church Service in the open air Chapel. Many girls and leaders assisted with this service as we thanked God for his blessings on us and throughout the camp.
As parents came to collect their children, we all said our goodbyes and eagerly await the opportunity to be able to attend the next camp.
Our memory verse for camp was, “Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life.” Philippians 2:14-16a
I pray that the girls will think about what they heard and act on that, so that they can become a child of God.