Arundel Project

GFS Sydney reconnecting with Arundel House

GFS began in England by Mary Elizabeth Townsend in 1875 in response to the number of young girls who worked as factory workers, living away from their families, often in cramped conditions, working long hours, on shift work and were paid little money. GFS aimed to help young women who were alone often in a big city by providing friendship and practical support.

GFS Branches started in Sydney in 1880. Many young women at the time were emigrating from England and needed a place to stay. GFS provided such lodgings. In 1921 the need was so great that a hostel was built at 29 Arundel St to accommodate young women. It provided a comfortable home with friendly companionship, clean quarters and well-cooked food at a moderate price.

Today, GFS Sydney no longer owns the building at 29 Arundel St which is now known as Arundel House. Up until 2022, the building continued to accommodate up to 39 female students. But the building needs some major renovations so has been closed while renovations take place.

The GFS Sydney Arundel Project which was approved at the 2022 AGM aims:
– to financially assist some residents in need with 25% of their accommodation costs to stay at Arundel House or St Barnabas Terraces (administered by St Barnabas (Barneys) Church Glebe).
– to provide moral and spiritual support to the residents;
– to show to the wider community the principles of the ministry of GFS; and
– to promote GFS to the secular community, growing membership and potential sponsorship.
This project is about building friendships with the residents.

Sketch of St Barnabas Terraces

GFS Sydney offers bursaries to residents of Arundel House and St Barnabas Terraces based on their personal circumstances and are struggling to pay for their accommodation. If you would like to apply for a bursary to help with accommodation costs at either Arundel House or St Barnabas Terraces, please apply on our application form.

Some suggestions for ways GFS Sydney members are developing relationships with residents are:
communicating with residents (ie become pen pals) and
Other ideas that GFS Sydney can help these residents are:
– for members to pray for residents (we will include appropriate information into our Prayer Guide and also for our prayer meetings).

For more information please Contact Us or Contact St Barnabas Church.