Saturday 18th March was a very special day, incorporating two events at Oakhurst Anglican Church: the commissioning of Jennie Young as our new Chairman followed by our Annual General Meeting.

It was a lovely sunny morning as a good number of members and family and friends of Jennie gathered for the service in the church. Rev Jason Ramsay made us all welcome to his church and it was wonderful to see the Diocesan Banner lead Jennie in and be placed at the front of the church. Jason led the service as well as preached. His chosen passage was the Song of Deborah from the Book of Judges, a whole 31 verses which Dawn (Jennie’s leader from Beecroft GFS) read with great drama and understanding. Many of us wondered why such a long passage but when Jason started his sermon; he had us in the palm of his hand. This passage was so appropriate for both the occasion and the audience.
It was then time for the commissioning, where Jennie made promises to serve her Lord through GFS and we, in turn, promised to support her. She received her badge and we joined in the Motto Hymn.

Following morning tea out in the courtyard it was time for the AGM and Jennie was able to chair the meeting for the first time as Chairman. Reports and the budget were received and accepted. Elections held for vacant positions on the Board of Management. Lynne accepted nomination as Vice-Chairman (while still continuing as Secretary), Margaret , Tania and Mava were also nominated as Board Members and all were accepted. Unfortunately, we still have no Treasurer. Tania had indicated she was happy to continue in the role of Public Officer.

Jean had resigned as Women’s Ministry Coordinator and there has been no replacement. At this stage the Board will take on the responsibility of arranging suitable activities for our adult members.
Thanks were expressed to Cheryl who is our Acting-Treasurer; Jean as Women’s Ministry Coordinator; Deidree for administration assistance; Mava for her encouragement of Playgroups to affiliate with GFS and Dawn for her contribution to fund-raising for the GFS World Project
The meeting closed with all present joining hands and saying the words of the Grace to each other. Following the meeting members were able to view a historical display that Jennie had set up. This proved to be of interest to many members and it was felt that such a display could become a regular feature of face to face events. Our day was concluded with a delicious lunch. A special Thank you to Oakhurst church ladies for hosting our meeting and working so hard in the background with morning tea and lunch.